Kaycee Huffstedler

Dear Donovan and Juelle,

I wanted to tell y’all how forever grateful I am of y’all letting me and Sammie go on the Power of One. Thailand was truly life changing for me. When I came back it all just set in; I saw how I had been treating a person around me (which was not a good thing) and I thought about how I saw things before. I could not believe that was me. Going to Thailand was a wake up call. Thailand showed me so many things. It really helped me truly find myself. Sure, I still have some growing room, but I have a good grasp now on who I am. I learned that elephants are not just some animal in a zoo; they are some of the smartest, most amazing creatures.

Every time I hear someone talk about riding an elephant, I want to go up to them and tell them what happens to the elephant and show them the video. Leaving Thailand was so hard; I missed it as soon as I got off the plane in Tennessee and saw my family. I was ready to get back on a plane to Thailand! It was so strange to be in Thailand where pretty much everyone was nice. And going back to school was one of the hardest things for me. Oh, and another thing that Thailand showed me was how much I love giving to people; just seeing the people’s faces when we gave them things made my head spin in excitement. My teacher wants me to do a presentation about my trip but I don’t know where to begin.

Anyway, when I was getting back people would ask what I did and when I told them they didn’t quite understand. I looked at them, “I think you just have to be there”. Ha Ha! I also now have a fascination with monks. I just think they are so cool. One night I had a dream that I had a conversation with Buddha. I just wanted to tell y’all how grateful I am that I got to go. I mean I am like one in 2000 students at my school who can say “I helped a vet clean out an elephant’s tusk cavity”! Sorry to keep jumping around. I just wanted to let y’all know how amazing I think it is to see someone like Lek be able to create something so powerful. It’s just so motivating.

With so much love,


Kaycee HuffstedlerMurfreesboro,Tennessee, USA